Strengthening Cooperation on AI Policy, Regulation, and Research | A Project for France

On June 1, 2021, Meridian International Center and the United States Department of State welcomed five French policy leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) to the United States to share knowledge on AI policy, regulation, and research. This virtual project focused on promoting collaboration between the United States and France on regulatory best practices in AI and supporting cooperation on related issues such as cybersecurity and containing malicious internet activity to facilitate cooperation in the AI space.

The group began their project in Washington, DC, where they met with the U.S. Department of State Office of Science and Technology Cooperation and Office of International Communications and Information Policy, National Artificial Intelligence Office, and the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence to gain insight into federal policymaking, research, and development on AI.  The five participants then virtually traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and met with leadership of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and with a start-up using AI to improve the grocery industry.  In San Francisco, California, a meeting with the Stanford Internet Observatory at the Stanford University Cyber Policy Center offered participants an informative opportunity to discuss the potential risks and problems associated with AI.

Reflecting on his participation in this project, one participant noted that he was “surprised by the program because I didn’t really know how it would be.  I was quite surprised at the quality of the speakers, the fact that they took the time to explain their views – they were well briefed. And we had time for discussion, so we were able to ask a few questions and have a discussion. I really learned and understood how the U.S. sees AI. I knew it was something really serious for the U.S. Through this program I really understand how far ahead they are in terms of AI implementation, but maybe less in regulation, but in terms of understanding, it is really impressive to see how much institutions are investing in AI.”

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Project summary

Strengthening Cooperation on AI Policy, Regulation, and Research | A Project for France
Number of Visitors: 5
Regions: Europe and Eurasia
Countries: France
Impact Areas: Science and Technology
Program Areas: Global Leadership