Women and Entrepreneurship II – A Multi-Regional Project

Participants take a photo in front of a mural made of seeds (Photo Credit: Teresita Bernales, Ed. D.)

On Monday, April 9 Meridian welcomed a group of 13 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world for the International Visitor Leadership Program, "Women and Entrepreneurship II." Throughout their national program, the women sought to examine examples of entrepreneurial efforts in the U.S.; explore the essential role of non-governmental and grassroots organizations in empowering the development of women-owned businesses; and examine strategies for job creation. In order to accomplish these objectives, the participants first convened in Washington, DC before splitting into two groups for separate programming in Manchester, NH and Rochester, NY. The group reconvened in Kansas City, MO before concluding their program in Santa Fe, NM and Albuquerque, NM.

While in Washington, DC, the participants engaged with Ms. Edie Fraser, Chairwoman and Founder of the STEM-networking organization Million Women Mentors; a representative from the World Bank to discuss access to capital and training support for women entrepreneurs; and staff from WEConnect International, an organization that connects women-owned businesses to financiers and markets all over the world. Other highlights included a leadership workshop with Gallup, appointments with Beacon DC and Springboard Enterprises, and the State Department's Office of Global Women's Issues.

Following a series of local programs directed by our community based partners, the project concluded in Albuquerque, where they covered topics including Native and Minority women-owned businesses, running a creative business, and training and technology for accelerating businesses. After a series of successful appointments and a reflection session, each participant departed for their respective home countries.

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Project summary