W-GDP 2019 IVLP Virtual Alumni Reunion | A Multi-Regional Project

WGDP visitors reconnect with CIPE and USAID colleagues as a part of an action planning workshop

The 18-person group of women from around the world reconvened to discuss the progress they made on individual Action Plans on the one-year anniversary of W-GDP 2019 and shared their experiences in the global COVID-19 pandemic. They participated in virtual panel discussions and breakout sessions to explore best practices in reducing restrictive legal, regulatory, and cultural barriers to women’s full and free participation in the economy. They met with members from the U.S. Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the White House and other private sector entities. The women initially discussed successes in their projects, reviewed stakeholder engagement, and identified gaps in project implementation with feedback and discussion offered by representatives from USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment and CIPE’s Center for Women’s Economic Empowerment. The Office of Gender and Equality and Women’s Empowerment at USAID works to overcome constraints to women’s economic empowerment and equality and the Center for Women’s Economic Empowerment works to provide opportunities for women by fostering ecosystems for entrepreneurship. They also reflected on how COVID-19 and new restrictions on social gatherings impacted their Action Plans as well as potential future steps with these entities. Participants also met with the W-GDP Team at the Department of State to receive updates on the initiative and to ask questions. They finished the project by meeting with women representatives from Microsoft, Mastercard, Damn Good Kitchen, and Walmart to discuss the role of the private sector in their work.

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