Understanding Washington: A Deep Dive into Federalism

Attendees pose for a photo during a Diplocraft Series program at Meridian House in Washington, DC on February 27, 2025.

As global challenges grow more complex, understanding the inner workings of U.S. governance is critical for effective diplomacy. On Wednesday, February 27, 2025, Meridian hosted 25 newly arrived foreign diplomats representing 20 embassies for training an in-depth training on the American federal system. Dr. Keneshia Grant, Associate Professor of political science, Howard University, delivered an insightful framework on constitutional decentralization, the separation of powers, the role of subnational authority in a federal system, and highlighted contemporary trends in American federalism.

Dr. Grant’s structural analysis of the U.S. federalist system and reference of contemporary examples of its role provoked thoughtful conversations that informed the newly arrived diplomats’ understanding of American governance. Dr. Grant also invited participants to mock a debate around a particular challenge to federal authority that is taking place among the American public. Diplomats left the program with a new understanding of the inner workings of the U.S. government system, as well as new connections with their counterparts in the diplomatic corps.

Project summary

Understanding Washington: A Deep Dive into Federalism
Impact Areas: Governance and Transparency
Program Areas: Diplomatic Engagement
Federlism Briefing Cover