The Role of Transportation Affairs in Foreign Policy: A Conversation with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs, Mr. Hugo Yon

Deputy Assistant Secretary Yon offers candid remarks during the Global Business Breakfast program. Photo by Megan Devlin.

On September 11, 2018, Meridian partnered with Delta Air Lines and the Meridian Corporate Council to discuss emerging issues in transportation affairs, including business expansion, competition, and foreign policy. This roundtable allowed companies in the field to engage in an open dialogue with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, Mr. Hugo Yon.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Yon discussed three main issues particularly important to transportation policy in the United States: national security, business competition, and foreign policy. He stated that now more than ever, there is increasing recognition of the importance of business expansion to foreign countries in the making of foreign policy, with significant emphasis on the Indo-Pacific region. One of the main concerns is subsidized competition abroad; for example, the subsidized Gulf carries competition between airlines. However, Mr. Yon assured that government bureaucrats are increasingly in contact, and that this network will indeed strengthen the partnership between U.S. businesses and like-minded enterprises.

In addition, the U.S. Department of State is concerned with issues of cyber and digital connectivity, energy, and infrastructure, both abroad and nationally. Security agencies are progressively open to technology to help them reach trade goals. Transportation affairs are key to helping with the expansion of business and trade ties internationally.


Project summary

The Role of Transportation Affairs in Foreign Policy: A Conversation with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs, Mr. Hugo Yon | September 2018
Number of Attendees: 31
Impact Areas: Business and Trade
Program Areas: Diplomatic Engagement
Partners: Private Sector, Public Sector
Deputy Assistant Secretary Yon offers candid remarks during the Global Business Breakfast program. Photo by Megan Devlin.