The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) – 2017 Japanese Fellows

G3P Japanese Fellows preparing for their program following an opening at Meridian International Center (from left to right) (Top): Nao Takada, Hideaki Kikuchi, and Toshiyuki Igarashi; (Botton) Reiko Yui and Akane Nakajima
G3P Japanese Fellows preparing for their program following an opening at Meridian International Center. From left to right (Top): Nao Takada, Hideaki Kikuchi, and Toshiyuki Igarashi; (Botton) Reiko Yui and Akane Nakajima

The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) is a professional exchange program administered by the U.S. Department of State in cooperation with Meridian International Center. Throughout the course of 3-12 months, G3P includes a professional training program, language courses, and cross-cultural opportunities. Participants develop formal training plans that include specific goals and objectives for their exchange experience in the United States.

During their stay in the U.S., G3P participants often participate in long-term fellowships and travel to cities across the country to meet with leading organizations and thinkers in their field. Once the program is complete the visitors return home to play major roles in the further development of their governments and civil society, which often involves the publishing of major policy papers and the implementation of reforms in their respective fields. The program is currently offered to Japan, though in the past it has included other countries. The current participants include:

Name Title Biography
Mr. Toshiyuki Igarashi
(March 2017 – March 2018)
Investigator, Investigation Division II
Investigation Bureau, General Secretariat
Japan Fair Trade Commission
Mr. Igarashi serves as an investigator in Japan’s Fair Trade Commission, where he focuses on antitrust suits. He conducts dawn raids – or on-the-spot inspections – to gather evidence and uncover violations of antitrust law at the offices of suspected companies. He also represents the Commission in nullification suits, prepares defendants’ briefs, and examines witnesses at court. Mr. Igarashi is particularly interested in how antitrust agencies cooperate to gather, share, and use essential evidence to establish antitrust investigations. His work also considers how business entities can improve their competitiveness and productivity.
Mr. Hideaki Kikuchi
(March 2017 – March 2018)
Official, International Pension Division
Pension Bureau, Mininstry of Health,
Labor and Welfare
At the Pension Bureau, Mr. Kikuchi’s work considers how to explain the complexities of Japan’s pension system clearly and efficiently to different audiences. Further, his joint research focuses on how technological innovation has impacted Japan’s taxation system, and how taxation formulas for social security may need to adapt.
Ms. Akane Nakajima
(March 2017 – March 2018)
Chief Official of Tourism Resources Division
Regional Development Department
Japan Tourism Agency
As the Chief Official of the Tourism Resources Division, Ms. Nakajima works to develop Japan’s tourism industry on a regional level. Recently, she’s collaborated with Japan’s Ministry of the Environment to develop Japanese national parks that can attract tourists from across the world. Ms. Nakajima’s also considers strategies to encourage foreign tourists to increase their spending during their stays in Japan.
Mr. Nao Takada
(March 2017 – March 2018)
Assistant Director, Space Industry Office
Minstry of Economy, Trade and Industry
As Japan works to promote independent growth in the space industry, Mr. Nao Takada’s office works to strengthen international cooperation in this unique sector. As Assistant Director, he also spearheads the development of satellite sensors that can make the Japanese space industry more competitive globally. While in the United States, Mr. Takada will explore how agencies, associations, and businesses collaborate to revitalize the American domestic space industry.
Mr. Jun Takahashi
(August 2017 – July 2018)
Deputy Director, Traffic Planning Division
Traffic Bureau, National Police Agency
Mr. Jun Takahashi is serving a one-year fellowship at the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). As the Deputy Director of Traffic Planning for the National Police Agency, his primary responsibility is to plan road traffic regulations specifically pertaining to automated driving, which has an impact on many provisions of road traffic law. His research will focus on NHTSA programs involving the safe integration of automated vehicles in traffic. In addition, he will review potential amendments to the Geneva Conventions on the operation of automated vehicles.
Ms. Kaori Tsujita
(March 2017 – September 2017)
Assistant Dirtector for Wetland Conservation
Wildlife Division, Nature Conservation Bureau
Ministry of the Environment
Ms. Reiko Yui
(March 2017 – March 2018)
Assistant Director, Personnel Division
Minister's Secretariat
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
With few domestic fossil fuel resources, Japan depends on imports to meet its energy needs. At the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Ms. Reiko Yui focuses on green, sustainable energy policy. In particular, she is interested in encouraging hydrogen fuel cell technology in eco-friendly automobiles. While in the United States, she will study how companies and government can cooperate to develop a strong business ecosystem, market, and infrastructure for fuel cell cars.


Project summary

The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) – 2017 Japanese Fellows | March 2018
Number of Visitors: 7
Regions: East Asia and Pacific
Countries: Japan
Impact Areas: Governance and Transparency
Program Areas: Global Leadership
Partners: NGOs, Private Sector, Public Sector