The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) – 2014 Japanese Fellows

G3P Fellow taking part in International Women's Day events in Denver, CO

The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) is a professional exchange program administered by the U.S. Department of State in cooperation with Meridian International Center. Throughout the course of 3-12 months, G3P includes a professional training program, language courses, and cross-cultural opportunities. Participants develop formal training plans that include specific goals and objectives for their exchange experience in the United States.

During their stay in the U.S., G3P participants often participate in long-term fellowships and travel to cities across the country to meet with leading organizations and thinkers in their field. Once the program is complete the visitors return home to play major roles in the further development of their governments and civil society, which often involves the publishing of major policy papers and the implementation of reforms in their respective fields. The program is currently offered to Japan, though in the past it has included other countries. The 2014 G3P Fellows included:

Name Title Biography
Ms. Aiko Abe
(January – July 2014)
Unit Chief, Counsellor’s Office for Information Policy, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare In her current position at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ms. Aiko Abe is responsible for implementing a new National Identification Number system. This system will track taxation and social security benefits, including pensions, medical insurance and unemployment insurance. In her previous position, Ms. Abe was responsible for planning and negotiating bilateral conventions and Social Security Agreements, which cover the social security rights of migrant workers. Additionally, she conducted research on the pension systems of foreign countries.
Mr. Toshiya Ito
(March 2014 – March 2015)
Specialist for International Operation, International Operations Division, Operational Policy Bureau, Ministry of Defense In his current position at the Ministry of Defense, Mr. Ito plans and manages overseas missions of Self-Defense Forces (SDF), and arranges new dispatch of SDF to United Nations Peacekeeping (UN PKO) Missions.  In Fall 2014, Mr. Ito will begin his IVLP research fellowship to look at U.S. defense policy and the Joint Air Sea Battle Concept.
Ms. Nami Jinda
(March 2014 – March 2015)
Unit Chief, Analytical Research Planning Division, Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology In her current position at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ms. Jinda coordinates with, and supports, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Indicators of Education Systems (INES). In Fall 2014, Ms. Jinda will begin her IVLP research fellowship to look at various aspects of the U.S. higher education system, including curriculum design for, and recruitment of, adult learners and foreign exchange students.
Mr. Hideki Kamitatara
(March 2014 – March 2015)
Assistant Director, Office for Electricity Supply, Demand, Transmission and Distribution Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry In his current position at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Kamitatara plans short-term prospects for electric power supply and demand stabilization; coordinates arrangements among electric power companies during power shortages; and plans mid- and long-term prospects for electric power supply composition. In Fall 2014, Mr. Kamitatara will begin his IVLP research fellowship to look at electricity supply, demand, transmission and distribution in the United States.
Ms. Noriko Ohtaki
(January – July 2014)
Assistant Director, Law Texts Retrieval System, Information System Management Office, Information Systems Planning and Management Division, Administrative Management Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications In her current position at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ms. Noriko Ohtaki is responsible for overseeing the management, operation, and procurement of the Law Texts Retrieval System, for which her office is currently working to improve its usability.  The Law Texts Retrieval System makes available primary and subordinate (searchable) law text to governmental agencies. It has been published online for public access since 2001.
Ms. Kotaro Sasaki
(March 2014 – March 2015)
Principal Assistant Director, Nuclear Energy Planning Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry In his current position at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Sasaki assists with the planning of nuclear energy policy, and manages plans for restarting nuclear power plants in Japan. In Fall 2014, Mr. Sasaki will begin his IVLP research fellowship to look at U.S. energy policy, including nuclear and renewable energy policy.
Mr. Hiroki Yajima
(March 2014 – March 2015)
Assistant Director, Industrial Machinery Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry In his current position at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Yajima coordinates measures promoting the industrial machinery industry; and helps to formulate policies for METI’s trade negotiations. In Fall 2014, Mr. Yajima will begin his IVLP research fellowship to look at the U.S. manufacturing industry, and policies to develop and promote the industry in the United States.


Project summary

The Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) – 2014 Japanese Fellows | March 2015
Number of Visitors: 7
Regions: East Asia and Pacific
Countries: Japan
Impact Areas: Governance and Transparency
Program Areas: Global Leadership
Partners: NGOs, Private Sector, Public Sector