Special Report: Space Diplomacy Forum – Advancing Dialogue for the Expanding Constellation of Global Actors

This report summarizes key findings from the Meridian Space Diplomacy Forum on Advancing Dialogue for the Growing Constellation of Actors held in Washington, DC in spring 2024. It prescribes next steps that American and international space stakeholders need to take in order to ensure the continued stability and promise of our shared cosmos.


Inside the pages of the report, you’ll find:

  • Responsible Exploration
  • Modern Space Governance and the Artemis Accords
  • Moonshots: The New Space Economy for Merging Spacefaring Nations
  • Cosmic Cooperation: Education and Workforce Development Partnership
  • Orbiting Orbit: How Developing Norms Aceclerate Space Commercialization
  • The Phillipines' Emerging Role in Space
  • Star Wars: Anti-Satellite Threats in the 21st Century Warfighting
  • Securing Space through Public-Private Partnerships
  • Expanding NASA's Space Station Alliances
  • Opinion: The New Space Race: International Partnership

Project summary

Special Report: Space Diplomacy Forum – Advancing Dialogue for the Expanding Constellation of Global Actors
Impact Areas: Science and Technology
Program Areas: Diplomatic Engagement