Renewable Energy as an Economic Driver II

Group meeting with the Bureau of Diplomatic Technology at the State Department.

November 2024's Renewable Energy as an Economic Driver II explored various aspects of renewable energy and its integration at federal, state, and regional levels across the U.S.


Beginning in Washington, D.C., the program covered the federal system, renewable energy investments, and energy security. After their visit to Washinton, participants travelled to Raleigh and Charlotte, NC to explore state-level renewable investments and regional economic development in renewable energy, including solar infrastructure. The program then split, with one team travelling to Reno, NV and another to Salt Lake City, UT, to explore topics such as lithium batteries, electric vehicles, geothermal/hydro energy, grid modernization, and the protection of water resources. The final segment of this program convened in New Orleans, LA, where participants addressed wind energy infrastructure, efficiency improvements in non-renewables, and green job creation.

The group's main takeaways include: The importance of international collaboration and knowledge sharing; the need for a holistic approach to energy transition, considering both technological and societal factors; and the critical role of education and public awareness in driving sustainable energy solutions.

Project summary