Looking Toward the Future of International Trade Policy with Ms. Kelly Ann Shaw

Caitlin Mcdonnell, Kelly Ann Shaw, Amb. Stuart Holliday and Jason Grove at the breakfast.

On February 15, 2019, the Meridian Corporate Council partnered with VISA and Abbott Laboratories to host a discussion with Ms. Kelly Ann Shaw. In her role as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on International Trade, Investment, and Development at the National Economic Council, Ms. Shaw is responsible for coordinating all the various trade policy formulation offices within the government.   

The discussion centered on defining the overall state of the U.S. Trade Policy Agenda and U.S. trade relations today. The conversation touched on a variety of topics, ranging from the current trade war between the United States and China, to the U.S. withdrawal from trade deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), agreed on by previous administrations.  

Additionally, Ms. Shaw introduced the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, a program created by First Daughter and Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump that seeks to bring economic security to 50 million women across the world by 2025. The initiative has been hailed for its nonpartisan approach to women’s empowerment. 

In closing, Ms. Shaw noted that the first quarter of 2019 serves as a pivotal time for U.S. trade relations, stating that trade policy remains of utmost importance to the current administration and recognizing that a strong trade policy agenda is necessary for American power and influence abroad.  


Project summary

Looking Toward the Future of International Trade Policy with Ms. Kelly Ann Shaw | March 2019
Number of Visitors: 3
Number of Attendees: 36
Regions: Western Hemisphere
Countries: United States
Impact Areas: Business and Trade
Program Areas: Diplomatic Engagement
Partners: Private Sector, Public Sector