IVLP Gold Star – Mr. Lebang Nong, South Africa

IVLP Gold Star Lebang Nong
IVLP Gold Star Lebang Nong

Mr. Lebang Nong is an accomplished educator and the founder of Katleho Pele Education and GoMaths. He teaches Math, Science and English in primary and high schools in South Africa’s townships and rural areas, universities and South Africa’s Adult Basic Education and Training program. In 2015, Lebang Nong was selected to participate in a three-week-long U.S. Government-sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) exchange focused on youth leadership and civic participation. As a young leader passionate about education and youth development, he was inspired through the program to expand and scale up GoMaths drawing inspiration from the various non-profits he met with while in the United States. Since then, he has continued to impact lives through his passion for education and youth empowerment. His motto: Without Education, There is No Future!

From November 4th -15th, 2019, Mr. Nong will be returning to the United States as an IVLP Gold Star. During his program, he will revisit sites from his original 2015 IVLP including Washington DC, Los Angeles and Louisville in addition to traveling to new cities such as Chicago for the first time. His program will culminate in his acting as the keynote speaker for the Diplomacy Begins Here Summit in Louisville, Kentucky. In each city stop he will have meetings with educators, youth advocates and opportunities for public engagements to discuss his work in South Africa and the impact of his IVLP.

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Project summary

IVLP Gold Star – Mr. Lebang Nong, South Africa
Number of Visitors: 1
Regions: Africa
Countries: South Africa
Impact Areas: Education, Youth Leadership Development
Program Areas: Global Leadership