Investigative Journalism and Press Freedom | A Project for Nicaragua and Venezuela

This all women group of investigative journalists from Venezuela and Nicaragua came to the U.S. to portray experiences in their home countries. While in Washington, DC, They met with Congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts to discuss their domestic political situations, and policy actions to strengthen freedom of the press globally.

Ms. Karen Diaz of Nicaragua with Rep. James P. McGovern (MA-02)

After DC, the group traveled to Philadelphia, PA where they met with the Latino media company Al Día, KYW News Radio, and the Pen and Pencil Club. The IVLP concluded in Tampa, FL where participants were fortunate to meet famous baseball player Orestes Destrade to examine sports broadcasting. This fantastic group of individuals imparted valuable wisdom and awareness to their counterparts in the U.S. and were able to return home with an acute sense of how to improve their careers and strive towards press freedom for a more democratic society.

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Project summary

Investigative Journalism and Press Freedom | A Project for Nicaragua and Venezuela | September 2022
Number of Visitors: 6
Regions: Western Hemisphere
Countries: Nicaragua, Venezuela
Impact Areas: Media and Journalism
Program Areas: Global Leadership