Ending Gender-Based Violence | A Regional Project for Africa

In January – February of 2022, a group of 21 women representing 18 countries in Africa participated in a virtual program focused on Ending Gender-Based Violence. The women came from a variety of backgrounds including lawyers, NGO representatives, and government officials. They began their experience meeting with Department of State officials and national advocacy organizations in Washington, DC. These experiences set a great foundation as they virtually traveled to various cities with an understanding of the distinct differences in laws of many states.

Learning about the Family Justice Center in San Diego, California became an inspirational meeting for many of the participants, as they found their model to be a very useful way to approach countering gender-based violence. In Colorado Springs, Colorado, the group met with local organizations that local marginalized and youth populations to provide community services and counseling to victims.

IVLP Participants meet with the Family Justice Center in San Diego, California


In Salt Lake City, Utah participants met with the local police department to examine the use of community policing strategies to respond to domestic and gender-based violence. A meeting with WEAVE in Sacramento, California discussed how the organization provides legal assistance to survivors and their public outreach and advocacy efforts.

While virtually visiting Miami, Florida, the group were able to connect with local hospitality hosts to learn more about American customs and share their backgrounds. This was followed by a workshop that allowed the group to reflect and brainstorm strategies to cooperate on gender-based violence issues in the future. Finally, the group finished their program in Chicago, Illinois where they explored the importance of discussing sexual health with teens, a normally taboo topic in many of their countries.

Overall, this project was successful in connecting participants not only with domestic counterparts, but also each other as they recognized the importance in having a coordinated approach to ending gender-based violence. They also frequently commented on their surprise that many of their U.S. colleagues were facing similar struggles, and that the country was not as progressive as they initially believed.

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Project summary

Ending Gender-Based Violence | A Regional Project for Africa
Number of Visitors: 21
Regions: Africa
Countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Lesotho, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Impact Areas: Empowering Women and Girls, Human and Civil Rights
Program Areas: Global Leadership