Civil Society Building in Egypt

This exchange program aimed to strengthen civil society in Egypt by engaging NGOs which are engaged in promoting peaceful democratic transition, good governance, economic growth through reform and entrepreneurship, civil society engagement, and youth empowerment. The exchange provided six emerging civil society leaders in Egypt (with approximately 5-10 years of experience in NGO project management) a window into understanding how NGOs – in partnership with professionals, media, the private sector, and interest groups – underpin democracy and guarantee open and timely discourse on issues of national importance.

In meetings with U.S. government officials, academics, and private and NGO sector representatives, participants examined the following themes:

  • The unique aspects of civil society in the United States and how NGOs developed over history
  • Current techniques used by NGOs at the national, state and local level to build public awareness and civic engagement, including civic education and volunteerism;
  • Development of citizen efficacy and leadership skills among youth;
  • NGO partnerships with government and the private sector to improve the economy (via education, vocational training, innovation, and entrepreneurship);
  • The influence of advocacy groups in shaping policy, and how civic groups mobilize people and resources to help make governments more accountable;
  • Best practices for fundraising and building a culture of philanthropy;
  • New media and social networking tools in the U.S. that stimulate on-line youth awareness, constructive debate, civic action and group involvement.




Project summary

Civil Society Building in Egypt | March 2015
Number of Visitors: 6
Regions: Near East and North Africa
Countries: Egypt
Impact Areas: Civic Engagement, Youth Leadership Development, Education
Program Areas: Global Leadership
Partners: Diplomatic Corps