American Youth: Inspiring Leadership and Civic Participation


Group Visit to the Woodrow Wilson High School
Group visit to the Woodrow Wilson High School

The Multi-Regional Project "American Youth: Inspiring Leadership and Civic Participation" brought together 21 participants from diverse backgrounds and nations in an effort to examine the concept and importance of citizenship in U.S. civil society, identify the skills necessary for building youth leadership, and explore programs that have been successfully implemented in schools, universities, and associations all across the country. Following a program opening session in Washington, DC participants were sent to cities including Albuquerque, NM; Reno, NV; Tucson, AZ; Houston, TX; and Jacksonville, FL. Highlights for the group included having the opportunity to meet with educators and faculty members at the Woodrow Wilson High School, where they also had a tour and participated in afterschool activities with students; participate in various cultural and voluntary activities in their respective city stops; and taking part in a social reception and speaking engagement that involved local members and community leaders of Jacksonville.



Project summary