Ambassadors Envision the Next 100 Days for Congress and the Trump Administration with Meridian and POLITICO

POLITICO’s team (L to R): Luiza Savage, Editorial Director; Shane Goldmacher, Chief White House Correspondent; Susan Glasser, Chief International Affairs Columnist; and, Elana Schor, Congressional Reporter. Photo by Stephen Bobb.

With April 29 marking the 100th day of the Trump Administration and the 115th U.S. Congress, nearly 40 ambassadors and other senior international diplomats joined with private sector leaders at Meridian to gauge what the next 100 days will bring. A cadre of well-respected POLITICO journalists provided the inside scoop on Congress and the Administration’s approach to foreign affairs thus far and predicted what may be witnessed in the coming months.

Part of the Insights @ Meridian series, the program featured four prominent POLITICO voices, including Chief International Affairs Columnist Susan Glasser, Chief White House Correspondent Shane Goldmacher, Congressional Reporter Elana Schor, and POLITICO Live Editorial Director Luiza Savage. The Administration’s approach to Syria and the U.S. relationship with Russia received considerable attention during the panel portion of the program that was moderated by Ms. Savage. The U.S. and international diplomats in attendance were interested in hearing more about growing tensions with North Korea, the U.S. foreign policy plan for Africa, and how this Administration plans to approach an Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Meridian President and CEO Ambassador Stuart Holliday kicked-off the event with an opening statement and also provided closing remarks.

Insights @ Meridian is a medium for the senior diplomatic community based in Washington to exchange views and information on topical, high relevance U.S. policy issues. The series is made possible through the generous support of The Walter and Isabel Cutler Endowment for Global Understanding.

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