2013 British American Parliamentary Group (BAPG) – A Project for the United Kingdom

2013 Parliamentarians speaking with Rep. Gregory Meeks (Democrat - New York, 6th District) at a Congressional Reception

The 2013 iteration of the British American Parliamentary Group (BAPG) welcomed eight Members of Parliament (MP) for a ten day exchange program in the United States. The parliamentarians represented multiple parties including Conservative (3), Labour (3), Liberal Democrat (1), and Plaid Cymru (1), and were matched with the following Congressional members:

Over the course of their week in Washington, the MP's learned about the U.S. federalist system of government, spoke to Department of State officials about U.S. - U.K. relations, and took part in a congressional reception hosted by both the U.K. Congressional Caucus and the British Embassy. They also had a couple of meetings with Ambassador Peter Westmacott at the British Ambassador's Residence and the Government Accountability Office before enjoying the next day shadowing members of Congress on Capitol Hill. Representatives that took part in this session included Congressman Cory Gardner (Democrat - Colorado, 4th District), Congressman Mark Pocan (Democrat - Wisconsin, 2nd District), and Congressman Bill Huizenga (Republican - Michigan, 2nd District).

After their day on the Hill, the MP's traveled to their respective Congressional hosts' districts, which included Phoenix, AZ; Allentown, PA; Burbank, CA; Jamaica, NY; Collinsville, IL; and Huntsville, AL. Their experiences varied from meetings with undocumented mothers in Phoenix and a site visit to Lebanon Valley Health Services in Allentown to attending town halls in Burbank and touring a coal fired power plant in Newtown.

Following a weekend of activities, the MP's regrouped for their final stop in Boston, MA. Professional appointments were confirmed with the Future of Diplomacy Project, former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson at the Harvard University Institute of Politics, and the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis. The program came to a conclusion Tuesday evening after a reception at the U.K. Consul General and a tour of the Massachusetts State House.


Project summary

2013 British American Parliamentary Group (BAPG) – A Project for the United Kingdom | July 2013
Number of Visitors: 8
Regions: Europe and Eurasia
Countries: United Kingdom
Impact Areas: Governance and Transparency
Program Areas: Global Leadership
Partners: NGOs, Private Sector, Public Sector