Wadha Nasser Al Jabor

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: STEAM for AllQatar

Wadha Nasser Al Jabor is a statistician and leadership coach. She aspires to change lives by unlocking the beauty of the human ability to think, innovate, and create. She realizes the need to engage her community to make great things happen for Qatari youth and kids who are eager to explore STEAM subjects.

IVLP Impact Award Project: STEAM for All

Wadha's project provided hands-on learning opportunities for children in various Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) fields such as programming, robotics, circuitry, electronics, 3D modeling and invention. Wadha organized a school visit for International Day of Education, where she spoke to students and shared information about the project. Overall, Wadha engaged 17 volunteers and 12 students aged 12-17 in the project. During the play session, students were given the opportunity to explore and develop their abilities to understand, solve, and create through STEAM related experiments. Parents of children in the workshop expressed their gratitude and noticed an increased enthusiasm for STEAM.


"I hope my work on the project will inspire others and enable me to leave a legacy that shall continue to inspire future STEAM leaders." - Wadha Nasser Al Jabor

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Wadha was a participant in the IVLP Project Youth Volunteerism and Civic Engagement, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center.

Wadha's exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "I had the idea for more than a year, [but it was] my IVLP experience [that] empowered [me] to initiate the project and reach out for resources locally and internationally. Exposing my initial idea and discussing it with experts during the IVLP, I was moved to another level where I realized the need and impact of [this project]. "

U.S. Communities Visited

San Diego, CA; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Cleveland, OH

"I'm hoping to raise literacy on STEM in [the] community and to introduce a successful model for Peer-to-Peer education in this field." - Wadha Nasser Al Jabor

Country: Qatar

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