Teopista Kizza

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: "In Her Voice" CampaignUganda

Teopista Kizza has 10 years of experience in designing, implementing, and delivering programs focused on policy analysis, democracy, human rights, gender literacy, and leadership development. Teopista holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication from Makerere University and a master's in Local Government and Human Rights from Uganda Martyrs University.  Previously, she  worked as a workshop team leader for the Parliamentary Score Project under Africa Leadership Institute (AFL). 

Teopista currently serves as the technical lead on local governance and youth engagement at African Youth Development Link (AYDL) where she advises on youth-specific program design and other national youth initiatives. At AYDL, she also leads the National Youth Manifesto, a youth policy engagement framework within the government with the goal to advance youth political interests. Teopista also is Secretary for the Uganda Youth CSO Consortium on Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (CiSCAVE) and serves the board of St. Noa Mawaggali Senior Secondary School in Bwikwe District, the Youth Line Forum, Creations Forum Africa-based in Kasese, and the Center for Climate Accountability and Transportation.

IVLP Impact Award Project: "In Her Voice" Campaign

This online campaign advocated for the inclusion of female youth with disabilities in Uganda’s electoral processes. A training was organized for 10 young women with disabilities and 12 informational videos were created as part of the campaign. The "In Her Voice" YouTube channel created for the campaign has 85 subscribers and is still growing, serving as a platform for amplifying the voices of female youth with disabilities to advocate for favorable policies and an environment that supports them to exercise their right to vote. Visit the “In Her Voice” YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxp0N2dfZw4fs2fEZHoRXPw

Explore Teopista's insights on her IVLP Impact Award project and IVLP experience in this in-depth article, highlighting the power of global collaboration and cultural exchange: Blog: IVLP Impact Awards Perspectives- Advancing Electoral Inclusion | Meridian International Center

"I [created] a platform for building the confidence and self-esteem of female youth with disabilities to voice their concerns but also influence duty bearers to put in place policies, systems, and structures that support the effective participation of female youth with disabilities to exercise their right to vote and be voted for. " - Teopista Kizza

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Teopista participated in the IVLP Project Not Too Young to Run – Engaging Youth in the Political Process organized by the U.S. Department of State and the Mississippi Consortium for International Development, in partnership with World Trade Center Institute, World Affairs Council - Seattle, Gulf Coast Diplomacy and International House.

Teopista's exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "I was amazed by the level of inclusiveness of election management when I visited King County election management body. They offer financial support to community-based organizations to mobilize and sensitize people to participate in elections [and] they make sure that no one is left behind by creating a system that facilities convenience for persons with disabilities, youth, and all citizens to participate in the process."

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC; Pensacola, FL; Baltimore, MD; Charlotte, NC; Seattle, WA

Country: Uganda

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