Dr Siti Harwani Md Yusoff

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: STEM Makers Lab for Local CommunityMalaysia

Dr. Siti Harwani Md Yusoff is the co-founder and committee member of the Malaysia Space Initiative, an NGO that serves as a platform for networking and support for space enthusiasts and industry players. She also engages with high school students through the Space Connect program organized by the Space Systems Laboratory, School of Aerospace Engineering. Her expertise lies in space environment modeling, Earth's magnetic field, space physics, and space mission design and analysis. As a researcher, she focuses on electromagnetic modeling of the ionosphere for earthquake precursor research, utilizing satellite and ground sensor data to analyze and construct models for predicting earthquake events.  

She received the Malaysian Government Education scholarship to further her studies for a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering at Tokai University, Japan, and graduated in 2004. In 2006, she received an offer to pursue a double master's degree under the Erasmus Mundus scholarship program of the European Master for Aeronautics and Space Technology. Her first master's degree was obtained at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and the second was obtained from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. In 2008, she began working at the School of Aerospace Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), where in 2011 she embarked on her PhD in computational theoretical physics. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: STEM Makers Lab for Local Community 

The project will establish a STEAM Community Center in the local community focused on engaging children and teenagers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) activities and inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM fields. The main objective of the Center is to stimulate interest in STEAM-based activities among rural youth, fostering problem-solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication, and to enhance the quality of life and well-being of children and teenagers by instilling values of responsibility, community belonging, and environmental awareness. The Center will collaborate with schools, government agencies, universities, and local communities to offer a range of activities and will involve parents in the process.  

“I hope that the project I implement here will serve as inspiration for young people to venture into the field of STEM and subsequently shape them into a knowledgeable and visionary generation.” - Dr. Siti Harwani MD Yussof 

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Dr. Siti participated in the IVLP Project Engaging the Rising Generation of Space Nations, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with WorldOrlando, WorldDenver, International Citizen Diplomacy of Los Angeles, and Colorado Springs World Affairs Council. 

Dr. Siti’s exchange experience led to the development of her project: “While participating in the IVLP program, I had the opportunity to visit the Challenger Center and attend Yuri Night at the Space Foundation Headquarters. I met individuals who are strong advocates for STEM education. The Center's mission is to inspire and engage students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education through immersive simulated space missions and hands-on activities. The use of simple and understandable technology greatly aided students in grasping the concepts of space technology applications. From both visits, I gained the idea to bring back the same concept to my country. Although I will start with a small community center, I believe that involving students and the community dynamically in hands-on activities and discovery opportunities will strengthen STEM knowledge, thus inspiring students to pursue careers in this field. Overall, hands-on experience in STEM workshops creates a dynamic learning environment that sparks curiosity, fosters creativity, and inspires students to pursue their passions in STEM fields.” 

“When I was selected to participate in the IVLP program, I indeed anticipated that I would undergo a great experience that I had only been able to dream about. I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to personally experience visits to several STEM education centers and see how education becomes the main agenda for shaping a creative, innovative and productive society.” - Dr. Siti Harwani MD Yussof 

U.S. Communities Visited   

Los Angeles, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Denver, CO; Washington DC; Orlando, FL 

Country: Malaysia 

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