Sampath Ramanujam

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: Youth Special ParliamentIndia

Sampath has worked in the software industry for 18 years. Currently, he is an elected representative for Seegehali county in Bengalru, India. He also founded the Anvaya Foundation, where he provides social service assistance across his community, and is acting as the elected president of the B.PAC Civic Leadership Incubator Program's (B.CLIP) alumni association, which is an association of civic leaders from different political parties. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: Youth Special Parliament

The project promoted political awareness and youth involvement in civic leadership. Student representatives from communities in Bangalore, India created a "Youth Special Parliament" (YSP), a network of politically active youth who can work together to present civic issues to their local elected representatives. During  23 visits to 12 schools, school leadership was introduced to the concept of YSP, which was subsequently explained to the students. Additional students were reached during the interaction of all colleges gathering at the Bengaluru Book Festival, and through the "We the people of India" booklet, which was released by the deputy election commissioner of Karnataka.

Sampath also moderated the IVLP Impact Awards Alumni Discussion Series panel on “Youth and Civic Engagement,” which you can read more about here.

"I hope to provide a platform for passionate students to understand political and public service and local governance." - Sampath Ramanujam

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Sampath participated in the IVLP Project Young Politicians: The Future of Indian Democracy organized by the U.S. Department of State and Cultural Vistas in partnership with Global Ties Detroit, Iowa International Center, San Antonio Council for International Visitors, GlobalAustin, and the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth.

Sampath's exchange experience led to the development of his IVLP Impact Award Project: "We met with [the] Iowa Youth Congress...[and] I [would] like to implement such good practices through Youth Special Parliament..."

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC; Des Moines, IA; Detroit, MI; Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; San Antonio, TX

Country: India

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