Rachid Ennassiri

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Amazigh Climate PodcastMorocco

Mr. Rachid Ennassiri’s background is in policy and diplomacy relating to climate and energy. Most recently, Rachid worked as an advisor of Integrate to Zero, as well as the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group, the Energy Transition Council and the Glasgow Breakthrough Agenda. Previously, as part of the UK COP26 Presidency, Rachid served as Policy Manager for COP, Climate Policy and Energy Transition at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. Rachid previously worked on climate policy and energy transition at GIZ Morocco. He co-founded a Moroccan non-profit focused on youth and sustainable energy in Ouarzazate. Rachid was personally recognized for his climate-related efforts by Barack Obama and is part of the Obama Foundation Africa Leaders Program.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Amazigh Climate Podcast

The podcast will educate and activate the Amazigh rural communities on climate issues. Focused on youth and the general public in climate-threatened areas, it will cover environmental challenges, sustainable practices, and the preservation of resources. Through content development, community engagement, and wide distribution, the project seeks to empower youth, amplify marginalized voices, and connect local know- how with environmental stewardship.

“My vision [with the Amazigh Climate Podcast] is to transform environmental awareness into a movement of collective action, where every listener becomes a steward of the earth. Through sharing stories of traditional wisdom alongside modern scientific understanding, we can foster a deep-rooted sense of responsibility and inspire change that echoes beyond our mountains and deserts. - Rachid Ennassiri

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Rachid participated in the IVLP Project: The Climate Crisis: Working Together for Future Generations, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with Global Ties Miami, Utah Global Diplomacy, and World Oregon. 

Rachid’s exchange experience led to the development of his project: “My IVLP experience was a turning point, illuminating the power of community-driven environmental and climate initiatives. Visiting Portland, Oregon, known for its green urban planning and sustainability efforts, was particularly impactful. Witnessing firsthand how the city integrates environmental conservation with urban development inspired me to think about how we can adapt similar strategies within Moroccan communities.”  

“It's about bringing those lessons home, translating them into action through the Climate Amazigh Podcast, and fostering a community empowered to protect our natural heritage for future generations. 

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC, Miami, FL, Salt Lake City, UT, and Portland, OR 

Country: Morocco

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