Nyakuma Peter Gatkuoth

2022 IVLP Impact Award Project: Truth and Reconciliation ProjectSouth Sudan

Nyakuma Peter Gatkuoth is a South Sudanese young woman who lives in Uganda as a refugee. She worked over eight years for international humanitarian organizations in conflict settings such as Oxfam GB, Nonviolence Peace Force, Mercy Corps, Care and International Red Cross. She also holds a bachelor of Science in public health, and she is a trainer and a facilitator on trauma healing and reconciliation. Nyakuma founded "Together South Sudan," a non-profit organization that aims to bring together and reconcile the 64 tribes of South Sudan and to transform violence communities to be peaceful and unite through healing and reconciliation programs.

Nyakuma herself experienced trauma when she was displaced and her family during the conflict of 2013 at her home village. She witnessed death, rape, and violence. Traumatized, she lived in denial until she participated in the School of Reconciliation from the Rabagirana Ministry in Kigali, Rwanda. After deciding to give back to the community she has helped and trained victims from the 1994 Rwandan Genocide and while at her country South Sudan,  Nyakuma spent the last five years traveling to various states and regions to mentor and conduct trauma awareness and reconciliations seminars on how to live in peace and to end vengeful violence.  She's passionate about bringing change to her country, Nyakuma has dedicated her life to educate and inspire people through her initiative and she is also working to help reunite the divided people of South Sudan.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Truth and Reconciliation Project

The Truth and Reconciliation Program was an emotional tool for youth and women leaders to turn them into positive change-makers in their communities. The project trained 80 youth, men and women leaders in two different workshops in Leer and these recipients are now the agents of change in their community. The truth and reconciliation workshop has allowed people to openly share their feelings when they are hurt or hurting instead of resorting to violence, reducing violence in the area.

"I have never heard teachings like this. This is life-changing and is what we needed to heal the society and the community affected by conflicts." - Project Participant

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Nyakuma was a participant in the IVLP Project A Global Moment in Time: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center.

U.S. Communities Visited in 2023

San Francisco, CA; Washington, DC; Portland, OR

U.S. Communities Visited Virtually in 2021

Phoenix, AZ; Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Washington, DC; Orlando, FL; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; Detroit, MI; Kalamazoo, MI; Minneapolis, MN; Cleveland, OH; Portland, OR

Country: South Sudan

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