Adib Lrhoul

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: IVLP Camp / (IVLP: Invest, Volunteer, Lead, Prosper)Morocco

Adib Lrhoul is an Expert Consultant and Senior Trainer who specializes in Youth and Sport Development. He currently serves in the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication. With over 17 years of experience in training and public management, he has delivered and co-organized multiple trainings and seminars in more than 30 countries, focusing on topics such as volunteering, international cooperation, sport for development and peace, and gender equality.  

IVLP Impact Award Project: IVLP Camp / (IVLP: Invest, Volunteer, Lead, Prosper)

The IVLP Camp provided recent graduates with career planning tools, leadership development, and skills to help them prepare to enter the job market. Through workshops, hands-on projects, and community engagement, 30 participants gained practical experience and the confidence necessary to excel in their professional careers while contributing positively to their communities.  

The three-day program included team-building exercises and workshops focused on essential soft skills, such as communication, active listening, and empathy. Sessions led by experts highlighted the value of volunteering, career planning and professional growth strategies. Participants learned effective networking techniques and received personalized feedback from an HR professional on creating impactful CVs. Job interview simulations offered participants realistic practice and constructive feedback.  

The program exceeded expectations, supporting double the number of participants initially targeted. Participant feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many reporting increased confidence and preparedness for the job market. Adib stated that “Overall, the camp provided a comprehensive and impactful experience, equipping participants with essential skills and fostering a strong motivation to pursue volunteering and job opportunities with renewed enthusiasm.”  

Adib was also a panelist for the “Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders” webinar, which you can read more about here.

“The IVLP Camp will serve as a catalyst for youth empowerment, providing campers with the skills, confidence, and opportunities they need to become active leaders and change-makers in their communities, much like the inspiring programs I encountered during my IVLP journey in the United States.” - Mr. Adib Lrhoul

IVLP Exchange Experience   

Adib participated in the IVLP Project: Community, Library, and Youth Engagement Centers and Programs organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with Global New Orleans, the International Center, Utah Global Diplomacy, and WorldChicago. 

Adib’s exchange experience led to the development of his project: “During my IVLP program, I had the chance to witness firsthand how various institutions in the U.S., such as International Youth Foundation in Washington DC, invest in youth empowerment by providing them with opportunities to learn, lead, and initiate projects to drive positive change within their communities. I'm eager to incorporate similar principles into the IVLP Camp, where campers will not only gain valuable skills and knowledge but also have the opportunity to think and take ownership of projects aimed at addressing pressing issues within their community.” 

“During my IVLP experience, I had the invaluable opportunity to witness firsthand how various institutions in the United States invest in youth empowerment by providing them with opportunities to learn, lead, and initiate projects within their communities to drive positive change.” 

U.S. Communities Visited   

Washington DC, Salt Lake City UT, New Orleans LA, Indianapolis IN, Chicago IL 

Country: Morocco 

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