Liz Quispe Santos

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: YouthSTEM for AgriculturePeru

Liz Quispe Santos is the founder and president of the Huarmis Foundation, and a doctoral candidate in Administration Sciences at ESAN University, where her research areas are Gender, Women in STEM, Labor Markets and Corporate Social Responsibility. Liz is currently a professor at ESAN University and Peruvian University of Applied Sciences.  She was recognized at the Women Economic Forum New Delhi-India 2018 and Women Economic Forum Cartagena 2019. She is a member of Latin American Women Leaders of INCAE Business School, a specialist in national and international inter-institutional strategic alliances, and an international speaker on collaborative leadership topics aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality) and 17 (Alliances to Achieve the Goals).

Liz graduated with honors with a Master of Business Administration from ESAN University, and also studied at the University of Costa Rica, University of Buenos Aires and CENTRUM. Her credentials also include graduating in the upper fifth of the second class of female Pilot Officers of the Peruvian Air Force.  In 2022 she obtained the Scholarship for the International Research Symposium to be carried out by the International Academic Program at Harvard University. She obtained first place in the BALAS Portugal 2022 Doctoral Colloquium with the topic “Perceived capability, employer commitment and gender in the online labor market in emerging countries.”

IVLP Impact Award Project: YouthSTEM for Agriculture

The project developed the coffee and cocoa sector in the central jungle of Peru through strengthening STEM skills in 40 adolescent men and women in their 4th and 5th year of secondary schools. The seven-month program promoted STEM education with social impact and equal opportunities for vulnerable populations. At the end, Liz held a contest for participants to design project ideas focused on supporting growth in Peru's coffee and cacao sectors. The initiative emphasized gender inclusion, ensuring that at least 50% of the beneficiaries were adolescent females, thereby addressing the gender gap in STEM education. The project conducted both in-person and virtual classes, providing 40 teenagers with valuable experiences and knowledge in agriculture, science, and technology. To promote project visibility, a young leader will share his experience with the project at the Democratic Entrepreneurs for an Inclusive Future summit, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Peru.

"This project has allowed us as partners to collaborate with STEM education that our country Peru needs so much, especially focusing on the strengths of our regions, as is the case of the central jungle of Peru with the production of coffee and cocoa, and in this case identifying vulnerable populations and especially talented young people, who are the builders of the future of the country and the world.” - Project Partner

IVLP Exchange Experience   

Liz participated in the IVLP Project Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM organized by the U.S. Department of State and Institute of International Education, in partnership with Global Ties Alabama, Gulf Coast Diplomacy, International Citizen Diplomacy of Los Angeles, International Focus, Inc., NC Global Leadership, WorldBoston, WorldChicago, WorldOrlando and World Partnerships, Inc.

Liz’s exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award project: “Knowledge is meant to be shared. How can I not share the great experience I had in the IVLP program, [which was the inspiration for] formulating the project for the central jungle, an area in great need of quality education in my country... By sharing the best of ourselves and making positive and sustainable alliances we can leave a mark.”

U.S. Communities Visited 

Huntsville, AL; Los Angeles, CA; Washington, DC; Pensacola, FL; St. Petersburg, FL; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; Greensboro, NC; Raleigh, NC

Country: Peru

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