Lella Violet Halloum

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Full STEAM Ahead: Spark, Connect, RiseUnited Kingdom

Lella Violet Halloum works at IBM, where she orchestrates global student outreach and community development for underrepresented communities through learner-led, cross-sector collaborations in the STEAM industry. Lella Violet empowers learners through initiatives, including coding camps, hackathons, and mentorship programs. She also assists in determining the strategy of the IBM Z Student Ambassador program, which impacts 250 ambassadors worldwide and provides networking opportunities towards a globally inclusive and equitable digital transformation.  

An award-winning Digital Changemaker, Lella Violet’s efforts transcend sectors as she collaborates with IBM and other industry giants, global governments, United Nations entities, and grassroots digital inclusion charities. She is a self-described thought leader committed to fostering an inclusive digital future. Lella Violet was featured in the global “Let’s Create” advertisement campaign as a pioneering leader who creatively uses technology to drive change. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: Full STEAM Ahead: Spark, Connect, Rise

The project fosters STEAM awareness, collaboration, and replicable models for ongoing engagement in underserved communities. STEAM education opportunities are not evenly distributed across the United Kingdom, with geographically designated cold spots facing limited access to quality STEAM programs. Lella Violet’s project will bridge this opportunity gap through community- level high-impact engagements. Five workshops and various meetings across the United Kingdom's STEAM cold spots, culminating in a final roundtable discussion, will promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and proposed collective action for system- level change.  

My [IVLP Impact Award] project will not only inspire and excite underprivileged youth… [it will] also contribute to building more cognitively diverse, community-oriented foundations for a more unified and inclusive strategy for STEAM engagement.” – Lella Violet Halloum 

IVLP Exchange Experience   

Lella Violet participated in the IVLP Project: Promoting Inclusivity in STEAM organized by the U.S. Department of State and Mississippi Consortium for International Development, in partnership with Global Ties Sacramento, WorldDenver, WorldBoston, and World Affairs Council – Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky. 

Lella Violet’s exchange experience led to the development of her project: “[On my IVLP], I saw the power of collaboration and innovation firsthand. My IVLP Impact Award project is the start of a long-term plan to turn cold spots into hotspots of equitable opportunity, where the next generation has the opportunity to unleash their true potential through the catalytic power of technology. The time for change is now, and my IVLP experience is just the beginning of this transformative journey.” 

U.S. Communities Visited   

Sacramento, CA; Denver, CO; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Cincinnati, OH 

“…My IVLP journey ignited a renewed drive within me - not just to take individual action to overcome the mammoth STEAM accessibility and aspiration gap but [also] to ignite collective and lasting change back home, in the UK.” – Lella Violet Halloum  

Country: United Kingdom 

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