Klebert Drenthe is from Paramaribo, Suriname. He studied journalism at the Academy for Higher Art and Culture, and he is currently completing his master in business administration in action learning. Klebert is also the owner of Concepts Media Consulting & Print, a local company that focuses on marketing and large-scale graphics and printing. Klebert has always been committed to giving back to his community, with a special focus on music, entrepreneurship, youth empowerment and fostering a strong network.
This program primarily focused on providing entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools to give their businesses more exposure through different digital tools. Some 100 people participated in a two-day workshop and 40 entrepreneurs received mentoring on ways to grow their businesses using online tools. The small businesses participating received training in how to construct a website, market their business via e-mail and social media, complete research on product-market fit, and refine their supply chain to build resilience. Free e-learning tools and resources were shared to help with marketing and business development. Sessions addressed the logistics needed to bring a business online, such as how to access payment systems, using on-demand delivery services and implementing automated sales processes.
Klebert participated in the IVLP Project Migrating Your Small Business Online, organized by the U.S. Department of State and CRDF Global, in partnership with Georgia Council for International Visitors, WorldBoston, GlobalPittsburgh, San Antonio Council for International Visitors, World Affairs Council of Las Vegas, and International House.
Klebert's exchange experience led to the development of his IVLP Impact Award Project: "The IVLP experience was very effective and practical. It was a great platform to interact with other leaders from different countries who share similar challenges within their communities."
Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; Las Vegas, NV; Pittsburgh, PA; San Antonio, TX
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