Mr. Jussi Leponiemi is a key account director for information and communication technology at BusinessOulu. He is responsible for developing high-tech industries in the Oulu region. Jussi has extensive experience with corporate clients and business development, especially targeted to Subject Matter Expert developer companies in the Oulu region. His skills include project management, business development, and various technologies. He actively participates in industry networks. Jussi holds a Ph.D. in Business and Administration.
The project addresses the challenge of technology transfer from research to business, particularly in the high-tech sector in Northern Finland. The project seeks to bridge Finland’s gap between successful research and commercialization. Key activities include expert lectures, access to capital initiatives, and business development workshops targeting research teams, designed to share knowledge, best practices, and resources to improve the success rate of research-based technological innovations becoming viable businesses. The project seeks to make a tangible impact on the development of research teams' business ventures, both in the short- and long-term.
Jussi has identified and contacted several expert lecturers to cover topics like IP management, licensing, and commercialization. Speakers have recorded two lectures, which have been posted online and have gotten positive feedback so far. Three business development workshops have been conducted in Oulu, engaging 25 participants from three research teams. The workshops focused on commercialization strategies and included guest lectures.
The project’s final steps involve completing the remaining three expert lectures and ensuring they are widely promoted and accessible online. Additionally, the remaining business development workshops will be hosted twice a month until January 2025. By the end of the project, Jussi will establish a sustainable framework for ongoing technology transfer initiatives to benefit research teams and investors locally and nationally. All resources will be included on the project’s website.
Jussi participated in the IVLP Project Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Institute for International Education, in partnership with Global Ties Sacramento, Global Ties San Francisco, World Affairs Council Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky, WorldBoston, and Utah Global Diplomacy.
Jussi’s exchange experience led to the development of his project: “My experience with the IVLP project was overall very positive. Our program focused on entrepreneurship and the development of small businesses, and we met a wide range of experts in different cities who provided various perspectives on these themes…. We can learn a lot from the advanced processes and best practices in the United States on this topic.”
Sacramento, CA; San Francisco, CA; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Cincinnati, OH; Salt Lake City, UT