Javzandulam Ganbold

2022 IVLP Impact Award Project: Advocacy Campaigns about Autism Spectrum DisorderMongolia

Javzandulam Ganbold currently works at Autism Association of Mongolia, a non-profit organization based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, serving children and people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Advocacy Campaigns about Autism Spectrum Disorder

The project created a unique opportunity for families, community members, health care providers and educators to access information about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The project increased understanding and acceptance of ASD, increased access to resources and learning materials, and addressed the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the well-being of autistic individuals who lost their routine social interactions and support.

Materials on the early signs of autism, free educational manuals and other resources were produced and distributed. Parents, teachers and health professionals participated in a workshop designed to promote and encourage inclusive education opportunities for children with intellectual disabilities and ASD. An Autism Awareness advocacy campaign championed the rights and interests of autistic people and their families, making sure national policy and legislation reflect their needs.

Social Media Video Campaign: Autism Awareness in Mongolia

“The project shared stories of children with autism. I do not have relatives with autism. However, the stories gave me new perspectives and hope to know more. I will work as volunteer for the autism association in the future." -  Project Participant

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Javza participated in the IVLP Project NGO Management - Joint Project for EAP and SCA in 2021, organized by the U.S. Department of State and the Mississippi Consortium for International Development.

Her exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "IVLP is supporting the interests of a person with autism to promote and protect their rights and welfare in Mongolia. Giving them opportunities to develop, experience joy and to be active members of the community by creating acceptance and inclusion for all."

U.S. Communities Visited Virtually

Denver, CO; Washington, DC; San Antonio, TX; Seattle, WA, Madison, WI

Country: Mongolia 

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