David O’Sullivan was appointed Ambassador and Head of the European Union Delegation to the United States in Washington, DC in November 2014. As Ambassador, O’Sullivan oversees the EU’s bilateral relationship with the U.S. including political, economic and commercial affairs. A long-time and distinguished EU official, he has served in a number of senior official posts in the European public service. Prior to his appointment as Ambassador, he was head of and established the EU’s new diplomatic service, the ‘European External Action Service’. Other notable and senior positions within the European Commission include Director General for Trade (2005-2010); Secretary General of the European Commission (2000-2005); and Head of Commission President Prodi’s Cabinet (1999-2000). Before joining the Commission, O’Sullivan started his career with the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (1977-1979). O’Sullivan was awarded the EU Transatlantic Business Award by the American Chamber of Commerce in 2014.