Hassan Aguermousse

2022 IVLP Impact Award Project: Combating Violence and Violent Extremism in Schools in Morocco

Hassan Aguermousse is an administrative officer at the Regional Office of Agriculture and Investment. He is also a community development agent, president of Association Main de Paix pour la Securité Sociale, vice president of the Moroccan American Friendship Association, and treasurer at Global Internod for Education and Development. Hassan is also a researcher in the field of local security focused on promoting a community-driven approach to understanding and providing security. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: Combating Violence and Violent Extremism in Schools

The project's main focus was to eliminate crime and violence in schools in Morocco. Through workshops and awareness campaigns, the project developed a sense of security among students and made them aware of the value of self-care. More than 120 students participated and learned about the basics of citizenship and social peace.

IVLP Exchange Experience

Hassan participated in the IVLP Project Countering Violent Extremism-Community Strategies, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center in partnership with International Institute of Wisconsin, WorldDenver and GlobalJaxville.

U.S. Communities Visited Virtually

Los Angeles, CA: Washington, DC; Detroit, MI; Madison, WI

"During my IVLP experience I was impressed by the strategies mentors implemented in schools. The mentors led roundtable discussions with students, used proactive strategy discussions and guided conversation to respect different opinions." - Hassan Aguermousse

Country: Morocco

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