Fridolin Ngoulou

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Inform Local Communities in and around Bangui to Combat Misinformation, Hate Speech, and Rumors during Local ElectionsCentral African Republic

Fridolin Ngoulou is the founder of the newspaper Oubangui Médias. He campaigns against misinformation and hate speech in the Central African Republic and his commitment to truth and transparency has led him to organize bloggers and train journalists in fact checking. He gained valuable expertise at the École Publique de Journalisme de Tours (EPJT) in France, after which he quickly rose through the ranks to become a key player in the field of digital media. He previously worked at the editorial office of the Réseau des Journalistes pour les Droits and later become Editor-in-Chief and Director of Radio RJDH.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Inform Local Communities in and around Bangui to Combat Misinformation, Hate Speech, and Rumors during Local Elections 

The project raises awareness and establishes good practices among community leaders in the fight against misinformation, hate speech and rumors. Community leaders will be informed about the circulation of false information linked to future elections and trained on peace-building and best practices for combating misinformation, hate speech, and community rumors. By the project’s completion, Fridolin intends for local committees seeking to fight against disinformation to be established in the eight arrondissements of Bangui and three outlying communes.

“Fighting misinformation, hate speech and community rumors can only be effective if community leaders find their place in this daily struggle.” – Fridolin Ngoulou

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Fridolin participated in the IVLP Project Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists - Media Responsibility in an Age of Disinformation organized by the U.S. Department of State and FHI 360, in partnership with WorldOrlando, World Partnerships, Inc., WorldMontana, and World Affairs Council of Philadelphia.

Fridolin’s exchange experience led to the development of his project: “[On my IVLP], in Helena, Montana…the issues of combating misinformation in local and national administrations, as well as local initiatives to combat online hate campaigns, made a strong impression on [me]. It's for this reason that [I] want community leaders to have a local initiative, hence the idea of the local committee to combat misinformation.”

“[My IVLP Impact Award project] is the translation into action of the knowledge [I’ve] acquired [on my IVLP] about local strategies for combating disinformation, especially as this period coincides with the organization of local elections in the country.” – Fridolin Ngoulou

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC; Orlando FL, St. Petersburg, FL; Helena, MT; Philadelphia PA

Country: Central African Republic

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