Felipe Jácome

Photographer and Artist

Felipe Jácome is an Ecuadorian photographer and artist. His work, a combination of mixed media and documentary photography, focuses on issues of human mobility and human rights. Mr. Jácome’s mixed media projects include Caminantes, named after the Venezuelan refugees fleeing their country in an exodus of millions, which shows images of the migrants transferred onto the now-defunct Venezuelan currency, the symbol of the crisis. Mr. Jácome has also spent 10 years documenting the life and work of the children in Ecuador’s mangrove forests in an ongoing project, titled Lord of the Mangrove, that explores the relationship between childhood, manual labor, and the unique ecosystem in which they exist. Other projects include The Right to Exist, on undocumented children of Syrian refugees in Lebanon; The Vertical Border, on treacherous path migrants travel through Mexico to the United States; and Spill, on the impact of oil exploitation on indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022, Mr. Jácome collaborated with Ukrainian dancer and photographer Svetlana Onipko on Unbroken: Ukraine’s Ballerinas, a collection of portraits of Ukrainian dancers transferred onto bullet casings. The project emphasizes the juxtaposition of the strength and grace of the ballerinas and the brutality and destruction of the bullets. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs are being donated to relief and recovery efforts in Ukraine.

In 2010, Mr. Jácome won the Young Reporter Competition of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). His photos have appeared in publications such as Foreign Policy Magazine, The Guardian, Vice Magazine, CNN Photo Blog and the Miami Herald. His work has also been exhibited in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Beirut, Geneva, Quito, and Washington, DC. Mr. Jácome is a graduate of the London School of Economics