Fabian Santibañez has 11 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, with a strong emphasis on topics related to science, technology and innovation. He currently works for the National Agency of Science and Technology, where he handles data and studies on innovation, science and technology. Fabian previously represented Chile in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development meetings. His previous experience also includes work for General Motors and PACCAR Parts.
This project developed knowledge and skills about waste management and provided an opportunity to generate solutions to local problems in Curicó, Chile. Six seminars on sustainable development were conducted for business, public, civil and academic sectors. Participants presented ideas and concepts related to the revaluation of waste and designed proposals that contribute to environmental opportunities in their communities. They collaborated to create a document that outlined ways that economic development can help facilitate environmental initiatives. The seminars gave greater visibility to important environmental issues in the community.
Fabian participated in the IVLP Project 100,000 Strong in the Americas - Expanding Sustainable Education Partnerships, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center.
Fabian's exchange experience led to the develop of his IVLP Impact Award Project: "My participation in the IVLP Program was very interesting. It allowed me to get to know educational institutions in the United States, especially the people who make these institutions the success they are today. I was also able to share with other participants from Latin America, which was very encouraging."
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