Eigirdas Sarkanas

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: SpaceLab for Kids by Bringing Challenger Center to LithuaniaLithuania

Eigirdas Sarkanas is an expert in space technologies and innovations at Innovation Agency Lithuania’s Space Hub LT. His primary responsibility is to implement Lithuania's national space policy, which includes fostering the development of businesses and research institutes in the space sector. Eigirdas is committed to enhancing accessibility to the space industry, not only for existing businesses but also for those who have yet to realize their potential contribution to this dynamic ecosystem. Eigirdas has more than seven years of experience shaping higher education policies in Lithuania, particularly in the field of study quality and social dimension, and he has four years’ experience as the head of a national NGO focused on student movement. Eigirdas continually seeks out networking opportunities and connections with professionals in the space industry, to exchange knowledge, explore potential partnerships, and help the Lithuanian space ecosystem grow.

IVLP Impact Award Project: SpaceLab for Kids by Bringing Challenger Center to Lithuania

The project encourages primary school children to explore space, gain teamwork experience, and dream big. It will introduce students to the space domain and various disciplines such as physical science, life science, earth and space science, engineering topics, and the broader STEM field. The project also cultivates teamwork, logical thinking, and entrepreneurship skills among participants.

Project activities, shaped by Eidirgas’ visit to the Challenger Center in Washington, D.C., will influence students' curiosity about space and the STEM field in general. Eidirgas hopes this project will have a long-term positive impact by encouraging students to take a greater interest in space exploration and choose space or STEM field studies and career paths.

All project materials from Eigirdas’ partner, the Challenger Center, have been translated from English to Lithuanian for use during project activities and will be uploaded to the project’s website to make the content available for all. The website will be launched in December 2024, when Eigirdas will lead seven sessions with students aged 6-14 to introduce them to the possibility of becoming space explorers in the future.

“It is…crucial that children…share their experiences with their parents, who may become the ones encouraging their children to further explore the field of space and strive towards their goals and dreams.” – Eigirdas Sarkanas 

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Eigirdas participated in the IVLP Project Engaging the Rising Generation of Space Nations, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with International Citizen Diplomacy of Los Angeles, WorldDenver, Colorado Springs World Affairs Council, and WorldOrlando. 

Eigirdas’ exchange experience led to the development of his project: “During the IVLP project, I had the opportunity to visit the Challenger Center in Washington, whose mission is to inspire the next generation of explorers and innovators through hands-on STEM education experiences. For me personally, there was an almost immediate click in my mind that I wanted to bring at least a small part of the Challenger Center's activities to Lithuanian students.” 

“During the IVLP project, I had the opportunity to visit the Challenger Center in Washington…I was deeply impressed by their diverse range of space-related activities and how these activities are implemented from a very young age.” – Eigirdas Sarkanas  

U.S. Communities Visited

Los Angeles, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Denver, CO; Washington, DC; Orlando, FL 

Country: Lithuania

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