Dr. Paula Tesine

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Financial Sustainability and Navigating Food Security in Middle to Low-Income Households in Urban Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinea

Paula Tesine graduated with a master's degree in medical sciences from the University of Papua New Guinea. She is an intermediate-level medical researcher and has been working with the Vector Borne Disease Unit of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research for the past five years. Paula’s primary interest is in the investigation of antimalarial pharmacology for preventing, managing and eliminating malaria in young children, pregnant women and postpartum women, the populations most vulnerable to the disease.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Financial Sustainability and Navigating Food Security in Middle to Low-Income Households in Urban Papua New Guinea  

This project empowered women in middle to low-income urban community settings in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, by providing financial literacy training to foster a budget and savings culture to best maximize their household income, whether it be from the formal or informal sector. The project included a week-long workshop that provided the basic knowledge and tools as a guide to financial freedom and security.

Paula hosted a five-day financial literacy workshop, teaching 10 participants budgeting skill and financial goal. All participants successfully completed the Savings and Budgeting modules, demonstrating a solid understanding of financial concepts such as earning, spending, budgeting, and saving. Approximately 70% of participants reported a reduction in unnecessary spending, and 50% began cultivating a savings culture, with some increasing their savings allocations.

"After the course, I have learned discipline and had cut down on unwise spending. This training is vital, please reach out to others." - Project Participant

IVLP Exchange Experience

Paula participated in the IVLP Project Public Health and Climate Crisis for the Pacific Islands organized by the U.S. Department of State and Cultural Vistas, in partnership with Boulder Council for International Visitors, Global New Orleans, International Citizen Diplomacy of Los Angeles, WorldDenver and World Trade Center Institute.

Paula’s exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award project: “Discussions with the DC Food Policy Council and the Global Seed Savers on the impact of climate change on food security were the inspiration for this project.”

U.S. Communities Visited

Los Angeles, CA; Boulder, CO; Denver, CO; Washington DC, New Orleans, LA; Baltimore, MD

Country: Papua New Guinea

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