Dr. Anayawa Nyambe

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Eco-Expressions Zambia: Voices for Climate ActionZambia

Dr. Anayawa Nyambe is the Local Project Coordinator for a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project between Kyoto University and the University of Zambia. She holds a PhD in Medical Sciences from Belgium and MSc and BSc in Public Health from the Czech Republic.  Her research covers cervical cancer, COVID-19, climate change, and heat-related illness.  Her personal interests include the arts and active participation in volunteer work and community engagement.  

IVLP Impact Award Project: Eco-Expressions Zambia: Voices for Climate Action 

The project inspired community engagement and raises awareness about climate change through a multifaceted, nationwide photography initiative. Zambians were invited to submit photos capturing climate change impacts and solutions in their communities. Top submissions were exhibited in Lusaka and selected photographs and stories supplemented by expert insights on climate issues were compiled in a book. A key outcome was the production of the "Voices for Climate Change in Zambia: A Photographic Journey" book, with 80 hardcopies and a PDF version with 18 contributing photographers. The project culminated in an exhibition and book launch event featuring discussions with local youth, climate scientists, and stakeholders to explore actionable solutions and empower young leaders in addressing climate challenges. The public exhibition attracted attention, resulting in a guest book signed by 51 visitors and a discussion session with 15 engaged youths interested in climate change.


"I loved that the exhibition captured everyday real challenges, [and] that art is used as a tool for climate action." - Project Participant

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Anayawa participated in the IVLP Project Cultivating U.S.-Africa Collaboration on Climate Resiliency and Health Security organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with Citizen Diplomacy Alliance, Global New Orleans and Global Ties Arizona. 

“One of the first things I learned during my IVLP experience was that, in America each generation has the responsibility of addressing its own challenges. I then saw this firsthand in every city visited and what really stood out was the commitment of community members to solve community problems even at state and federal levels.”  – Anayawa Nyambe 

U.S. Communities Visited   

Phoenix, AZ; Tucson, AZ; Washington, DC; New Orleans, LA 

Country: Zambia  

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