Branislav Mojević

2024 IVLP Impact Award Project: Kick for Inclusion: An Intercultural Soccer/Football WorkshopBosnia and Herzegovina

Branislav Mojević is an inspector, adviser to the director, and Chief of Staff in the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs (SFA). In this role, he works closely with vulnerable populations and asylum seekers. He has 18 years of work experience and 15 years’ experience in migration management. Prior to joining the SFA, Branislav worked with several multinational companies.

Branislav obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of East Sarajevo and a second bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Banja Luka. He is certified trainer for trainers, and certified trainer for secret data protection. He is also a consultant and lecturer in the field of work and employment of foreigners and the law of aliens. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the national IPA migration management project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a representative of the Migration Agency in several international projects.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Kick for Inclusion: An Intercultural Soccer/Football Workshop

The project empowers marginalized youth through sports to foster dialogue, inclusion, and cooperation for a more equitable society. In today's world, fostering inclusivity and integration within communities is more important than ever. Branislav’s innovative project is designed to achieve this by leveraging the universal language of soccer. This project will bring people from different backgrounds together, promoting understanding, unity, and a sense of belonging within the community.

Soccer clinics led by expert coaches will connect people of diverse backgrounds. A cultural exchange session will allow participants to share about their backgrounds and cultures in a welcoming environment. A panel discussion will feature former athletes and community leaders speaking on the importance of inclusivity in sports. The project will culminate in community soccer games demonstrating power of unity and teamwork across cultures.

“I aim to break down barriers, foster understanding, and promote inclusivity through sports. Together, we can build a more inclusive society where diversity is celebrated, and everyone has the chance to reach their full potential.” - Branislav Mojević

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Branislav participated in the IVLP Project Regional Responses to Refugee and Migration Issues organized by the U.S. Department of State and FHI 360, in partnership with World Trade Center Institute, Cleveland Council on World Affairs, El Paso Council for International Visitors, and New York Program Branch.

Branislav’s exchange experience led to the development of his project: “The IVLP experience deepened my understanding of cross-cultural dynamics and the importance of cultural sensitivity when working with diverse populations. I will apply this knowledge to ensure that my project activities are inclusive, respectful, and responsive to the cultural backgrounds and identities of participants. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding, my project will promote social cohesion and integration within the community.”

“Engaging with experts and practitioners [on my IVLP], I was inspired by innovative approaches to fostering diversity and empowering marginalized communities. By leveraging the lessons learned and connections made during my IVLP journey, I am dedicated to creating meaningful change and promoting social cohesion through sports-based initiatives in my home country.” - Branislav Mojević

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; New York City, NY; Cleveland, OH; El Paso, TX

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

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