Anush Aslanyan has implemented various advocacy and social programs promoting the rights and empowerment of people with disabilities living in the Lori region, Armenia. Anush founded the “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities” NGO, focused on protection of the rights of people with disabilities. The NGO's goals are to: promote the access to education for children and youth with disabilities in the Lori region; make the physical environment and access to public transport available; increase employment opportunities for disabled people in the region; and promote participation of people with disabilities in cultural life and leisure.
In 2019, she founded EREOstyle Souvenirs Social Enterprise, which provides skills training and job opportunities for people with disabilities. Participants make native Armenian dolls, decorative pillows, necklaces, earrings and magnets, and provide printing and embroidery services. In July and August of 2019, Anush traveled to Eugene, Oregon for the 9th International Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD) program.
Fifteen videos were created featuring young people with disabilities discussing their experiences and showcasing how they are productive members of society. The featured guests used creativity and humor to present the world of people with disabilities. The program included a famous comedian and singer, which added to the project's overall popularity and promotion. The videos are available with English subtitles and Armenian sign language interpretation.
Anush also moderated the IVLP Impact Awards Alumni Discussion Series panel on “Inclusion and Accessibility for Disability Rights,” which you can read more about here.
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Anush participated in the IVLP Project A Global Moment in Time - Reflections on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center, in partnership with WorldOregon and Global Ties San Francisco.
Anush's exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "The program held in the U.S. was a great experience for me. The idea of this program came when [a speaker on a panel] discussed the role of online social media in changing [people's] way of thinking and how you can achieve your goal with few resources. That's where I started thinking about using my YouTube channel as a fast-acting tool for the inclusion of people with disabilities."
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