Angéla Jedlovszky-Hajdú is an Associate Professor and the group leader of Laboratory of Nanochemistry, Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology at Semmelweis University. She works in the field of colloid science, merging chemistry and medical biology and her scientific interests focus on nanocomposites, polymer-based scaffolds that incorporate drugs, nanoparticles, and other small molecules for biomedical applications (tissue engineering, wound healing/dressing, hernia meshes, etc.). Angéla is the recipient of excellence awards from Association of Hungarian Women in Science, Poster prizes, IAP Award, Merit prize, Pro Scientia Golden Medal, and Polanyi Award. She has also mentored many talented young students and is the president of the Association of Pro Scientia Golden Medalists and vice president of the Association of Hungarian Women in Science.
Angéla's project made a significant impact by coordinating nine elementary school visits across Hungary, engaging 770 children (ages 7-12) and over 32 teachers. The initiative highlighted the importance of STEM and introduced scientific methods and processes to the students in a fun and interactive way, making learning both enjoyable and educational.
Angéla participated in the IVLP Project Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM, organized by the U.S. Department of State and FHI 360, in partnership with International Citizen Diplomacy of Los Angeles, International Focus, and WorldBoston.
Angéla's exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "During my IVLP [experience] we heard a lot about early sensitization [and that] we have to catch the kid's attention at the age[s] of 9-12."
Los Angeles, CA; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Durham, NC
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