USA Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka; Frequently Asked Questions

When will I be notified about the status of my application?
If accepted, applicants can expect to be notified no later than February 2025 (or earlier).

What if I have technical issues when submitting my application?
For any technical issues, please contact

Can I apply to both the Two-Month Cultural Performers Residency and the Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers Program?
Yes. You can submit separate applications to each.

I cannot commit to eight weeks in Japan. Can I still apply to the Two-Month Cultural Performers Residency?
If your 2025 schedule is limited where you cannot commit to eight weeks in Japan, we recommend you apply to the Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers Program only.

I can commit, but eight weeks is a long time. Will I be scheduled to perform every day? No, Two-Month Cultural Performers will have shifts that will be scheduled to alternate with the shifts of the other Performers in your cohort. Everyone will have days off, or rest days, throughout the residency.

Is there an Orientation?
Yes. If accepted, there will be a one-day virtual orientation held for participants over Zoom before you depart.

Will the program provide travel insurance?
Meridian provides travel health insurance for all participants (including travel days); however, Meridian does not provide insurance for equipment or personal items.

Can I arrive early to or extend my stay in Japan?
The program does not support early arrivals. Participants can extend their stay for personal travel after their program in Japan (not to exceed 90 days from date of entry) but will need to cover those expenses for themselves.

I need special accommodations or considerations. Can I still apply to the program?
Yes. Meridian will work closely with participants to make sure any special accommodations or considerations are considered.

Will I be able to attend Expo on my days off?
Yes. All participants will be registered to attend Expo for the duration of the program.

Is instrument and equipment rental in Japan an option?
Yes. Meridian will work closely with participants, especially those with large or expensive instruments or equipment, on equipment needs.

What happens if traveling to Japan is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances?
Meridian and the U.S. Department of State will always put its participants’ safety first. If necessary, programs may be postponed if it is deemed unsafe to travel.

I don’t speak Japanese. Can I apply?
Yes. While Japanese language ability is a plus, it is not a requirement.

Will you contact my references? If selected for the program, Meridian or Department of State may contact your references, and/or review social media profiles.

Help! I still have questions.
Please contact for any questions that were not answered in FAQs and the Guide to Applications.

Two-Month Cultural Performers Residency Program

Can I apply together with my group?
Yes, both group and individual applications will be considered.

What is the maximum number of members allowed for a group application?
Group applications can include up to five members. All members of the group must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years of age.

Are travel expenses covered?
Meridian will cover transportation (i.e. roundtrip flights, trains, and in-country transportation); per diem to cover meals and incidentals; lodging; and transportation for equipment/instruments (for equipment that cannot be sourced locally in Japan).

What travel expenses are not covered?
Participants are responsible for all personal expenses such as, but not limited to, meals outside of per diem allowance, hotel services such as room service or laundry, personal transportation outside of program activities, and costs not previously approved by Meridian staff.

Is there a stipend?
Yes. Each Cultural Performer will receive a stipend from the USA Pavilion’s Operations Contractor. The stipend will be approximately per person per week. The stipend covers honoraria, as well as meals & incidentals per diem. For the days Cultural Performers are scheduled to perform at Expo, one “shift” meal will be provided.

When will the Cultural Performers Residency take place?
The Two-Month Cultural Performers Residencies will take place from April 13-October 13, 2025. Cultural Performers will be selected for one of the following and must be able to commit to the entire residency:

  • Cohort 1: April 13 – June 13, 2025
  • Cohort 2: June 13 – August 13, 2025
  • Cohort 3: August 13 – October 13, 2025

Applicants should select one or all options that will work for their 2025 schedule.

Am I required to attend the entire residency?
Participants are required to attend the entire duration of the residency (a full eight weeks), barring any family or medical emergencies. If you cannot commit to this timeframe, we recommend you apply for the Short-Term Cultural Performers/Speakers program.

Is instrument and equipment rental in Japan an option?
Yes. Meridian will work closely with participants, especially those with large or expensive instruments or equipment, on their performance needs and tech riders.

What will the residency schedule look like?
Meridian will work closely with participants and the USA Pavilion Operations Contractor to schedule performance and rehearsal time on the USA Pavilion stage, schedule performances at other Expo venues, and seek out potential performer or speaker collaborations with other pavilions. Participants in each cohort will rotate performance shifts throughout their residency.

I was a 2021 Expo Cultural Performer in Dubai, UAE. Is the Cultural Performers Residency new for Expo 2025?
Yes. The Cultural Performers Residency is new for the USA Pavilion at Expo 2025. The program was created to allow for deeper interactions between the U.S. Cultural Performers and Expo visitors.

Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers Program

Can I apply together with my group?
No, only individual applications will be considered for the Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers Program.

Are travel expenses covered?
Participants will have their transportation (i.e. roundtrip flights, trains, and in-country transportation) covered, and will receive a per diem to cover meals and incidentals. Additionally, the program will provide lodging for the participants as well as transportation for equipment/instruments required that cannot be sourced locally in Japan.

What travel expenses are not covered?
Participants are responsible for all personal expenses such as, but not limited to, meals outside of per diem allowance, hotel services, personal transportation outside of the program activities, and costs not previously approved by Meridian staff.

Is there an honorarium?
There is an honorarium of $300 per day for seven days.

When will the Short-Term Programs take place?
The Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers Program will take place between April to October 2025.

How long is each Program?
Each Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers program will be no more than one week long, with travel days included. Short-Term Cultural Performers/Expert Speakers will have at least 3 days of programming while at Expo.

The application asks for dates I cannot travel. What if I do not have this information or it changes before I know I have been selected to participate?
If selected, Meridian will request an updated list of dates you cannot travel before you are assigned.

About Expo 2025 Osaka and the USA Pavilion

What are the core principles of the World Fair Expo?
The World’s Fair Expo is an international exhibition that has been held since 1851. Occurring roughly every five years, the event provides a platform for countries around the world to present their culture. This year’s theme for the exposition is "Designing Future Society for Our Lives," with sub-themes of "Saving Lives," "Empowering Lives," and "Connecting Lives." More than 160 countries will be represented, bringing together a diverse set of backgrounds and cultures.

What is the theme of the USA Pavilion?
The official theme is “Imagine What We Can Create Together.” USA Pavilion invites visitors to envision a future that advances the very best of humanity. The USA Pavilion design complements the theme, which empowers humanity to make advances collectively and creatively— joining the U.S. in the efforts to develop advances in sustainability, space exploration, education, and entrepreneurship by encouraging exchange, collaboration and growth.

Image credit: Trahan Architects

Will I be asked to speak on behalf of the U.S. government?
While all those accepted represent the U.S., Performers and Speakers are not official representatives or employees of the U.S. government. Thus, first and foremost, they will represent themselves and their art discipline during the overseas residencies. There are under no obligation to answer political or policy-related questions and should feel free to refer anyone with questions about U.S. government actions or policies to the U.S. Expo Unit, Embassy, or Consular staff.


This program is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State and is implemented by Meridian International Center.