The State of Meridian


Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Discover what’s next for Meridian. Join us for an exclusive State of Meridian briefing, where Ambassador Stuart Holliday will unveil our new strategic plan and vision for the future. This gathering is an opportunity for our Meridian Council members—whose support is instrumental to our mission—to engage in a morning of insights and discussion on the path ahead.

We look forward to sharing this moment with you. If you have any questions regarding this event, please reach out to Victoria Zimmerman, Institutional Advancement Associate at 

About Meridian International Center

Meridian International Center is a nonpartisan center for diplomacy founded in 1960 and headquartered on a historic campus in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to empower the next era of leaders to advance diplomacy for a better future. Our programs strengthen American leadership by accelerating collaboration on shared challenges, increasing economic competitiveness, and building geopolitical resilience. We equip leaders from business, science and technology, cities and states, culture and sports with the insights, networks, and resources to navigate a complex world.