APEC in Motion: Shared Challenges and Collective Action in Korea’s Host Year

Event Details

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

As the Republic of Korea leads APEC in 2025, the region faces critical decisions on economic growth, workforce challenges, and digital transformation. Meridian is bringing together diplomats, policymakers, and business leaders for high-level discussions on Korea’s leadership priorities and the future of regional integration.

Featuring insights from the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council’s (PECC) State of the Region report, this event will address the demographic challenges impacting APEC economies—focusing on innovative health solutions, digital transformation, and strategic policy planning. Experts will explore how strengthened regional partnerships, enhanced trade and investment, and workforce strategies can drive sustainable growth in the Asia-Pacific.

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to Rodrigo Moreschi at corporate@meridian.org 

Program Speakers

Name Title
His Excellency Hyundong Cho Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the U.S.
The Honorable Rick Larsen (WA-01)  U.S. House of Representatives. Co-Chair of the APEC Caucus 
Mr. Richard Cantor Vice Chairman, Moody’s Investors Service, Chair of the U.S. National Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
Mr. Chul Chung Chief Research Officer of the Federation of Korean Industries and President of the Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI)

This Event is Generously Supported By

About the National Center for APEC

Established in Seattle, Washington in 1994, the National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) is the only U.S. business association focused exclusively on facilitating private sector engagement in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) organization. Led by a board of 50 major U.S. companies with a strong interest in the growth and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific, NCAPEC works to advance U.S. private sector policy priorities in APEC’s discussions on trade and economic issues. NCAPEC serves as the Secretariat to the U.S. members of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), the official mechanism for private sector input in APEC. NCAPEC also serves as the Secretariat to the U.S. Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the think tank of APEC.

About Meridian International Center

Meridian International Center is a nonpartisan center for diplomacy founded in 1960 and headquartered on a historic campus in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to empower the next era of leaders to advance diplomacy for a better future. Our programs strengthen American leadership by accelerating collaboration on shared challenges, increasing economic competitiveness, and building geopolitical resilience. We equip leaders from business, science and technology, cities and states, culture and sports with the insights, networks, and resources to navigate a complex world.