Date: October 20, 2017
Location: The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.
A premise exists in the United States and around the world that there is a binary choice between globalization and nationalism, and that our nation must choose one path or the other. A reluctance to acknowledge the economic stagnation of a large segment of the American population and a failure to articulate the benefits of global alliances has forged the country down a divergent road. This need not be the case. U.S. businesses, governments and civil society possess the resilience and ingenuity to adapt to evolving economic and societal landscapes. Likewise, American principles remain valued and sought after on a world stage. Through collaboration among these sectors, the United States can and should continue to serve as a global leader, while concurrently elevating the security and economic prosperity of all Americans from the country’s heartland to her coastlines.
The 6th Annual Meridian Global Leadership Summit will explore the importance of international engagement and how the United States can more effectively utilize its global leadership position to benefit the entire nation. In particular, the Summit will explore: balancing domestic priorities with global issues; protecting borders while strengthening international commerce; and, maintaining U.S. tech advantage in an age of increasing cyber threats and opportunities.