56th Annual Meridian Ball

One of the most prestigious annual events in Washington, D.C., the Meridian Ball brings together members of the public and private sector to celebrate Meridian’s ongoing efforts to prepare leaders for a complex global future. 

Now in its 56th year, the Meridian Ball is known for intimate Ambassador-hosted dinners, in addition to a dinner hosted by Meridian. Following dinner, all guests gather for dancing, dessert, and dialogue. Traditionally held in October, the Ball plays a key role in helping Meridian generate awareness of and support for its mission. Proceeds from the Ball support Meridian’s global leadership exchanges, cultural activities, conferences, and seminars.

For ticket inquiry or additional information regarding the Annual Meridian Ball, please email Betsy Purves at ball@meridian.org


Ball Chairs

Deborah Lehr & John F.W. Rogers

Congressional Co-Chairs

Senator Shelley Moore Capito & Mr. Charles L. Capito

Representative Ami Bera & Dr. Janine Bera