Please click on the images below to enlarge.

A Woman and Her Daughters Seek Refuge
Abu Shouk camp outside El Fasher, 2004

Southerner Uses Abandoned Tank to Dry Clothes
Juba, 2004

Mandari Boys Drink through Guinea Worm Filters
North of Juba, 2004

Patient at the Red Cross Hospital at Lopiding
Lokichokio, Northwest Kenya, 2003

Mounds of Cotton in the Irrigated Triangle between the White and Blue Niles
The Gezira, 2003

Pure Gold
Ariab Gold Mine, 2004

Camel Caravan Traveling North to Egypt
Dongola, 2004

A Cane Cutter (Katakau) Slices Stalks before Dawn
Kenana Sugar Company, The Gezira, 2003

Nomad Approaches Pyramids at the Royal Necropolis of the Kingdom of Kush
Meroe, 2003

Pyramid and Offertory Chapel at Night
Southern Capital of the Kingdom of Kush
Near Bejrawia, 2003

Broken Statue from the Kushite Period
Tumbus, North of Kerma, 2004

Baobab Tree at the Tail End of a Dust Storm
Kordofan, 2004

Sai Island in the Northern Nile
Northern Nubia, 2004

A Sandstorm, or Haboob, Rolls over the Livestock Market
Omdurman, 2004

A Young Dinka Woman
Rumbek, 2003

A Rashaida Sword Dance
Southeast of Port Sudan, 2004

Young Boy Leads a Calf to its Tethering Post in a Cattle Camp
Cattle camp near Terekeka, Bahr al-Jabal State, 2004

Friday Dhikr of the Sammaniyya Sufi Sect
Omdurman, 2003

A Man Prays on Friday at a Mosque
Khartoum, 2003

A Sufi Dervish Whirls in Prayer
Hamad el-Nil Mosque
Omdurman, 2003

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