Siti Alfijah is a women’s activist and female cleric active in RAHIMA, an association that focuses on upholding women's rights, working with moderate Islamic organizations and communities in various regions of Indonesia. Ms. Alfijah is also a regular lecturer at several Majelis Ta'lim (Women’s Islamic Sermon Groups) in Central Java, which promote, disseminate and strengthen the values of tolerance and peace in the community, especially among women. She is also an executive member of the Srikandi MATAN, an Islamic student brotherhood organization, founded by a moderate Islamic cleric Maulana Habib Muhammad Luthfi, which focuses on spreading a positive narrative to combat intolerance, radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia.
This project strengthened existing Majelis Ta’lim (Muslim Women's Sermon Groups) in their efforts to promote, spread and strengthen the values of tolerance and peace. These groups are usually established at the hamlet or village level and are a strategic space for women to share ideas, disseminate information and strengthen relationships. The main project activities included: assessment visits to 11 Majelis Ta’lim, Training of Trainers in promoting tolerance and peace, dialogues engaging participants with different viewpoints, and follow-up visits. Women's participation in building a culture of tolerance and peace at the grassroots level was increased.
Siti participated in the IVLP Project Empowering Muslim Women as Peacemakers and Agents of Change, organized by the U.S. Department of State and American Councils for International Education in partnership with Global Ties Arizona, Global Minnesota, the International Center for the Capital Region, Vermont Council on World Affairs, and Gulf Coast Diplomacy.
Phoenix, AZ; Washington, DC; Pensacola, FL; Minneapolis, MN; Albany, NY; Burlington, VT