Auris Fermín

2022 IVLP Impact Award Project: Women of ChangeVenezuela

Auris Fermín has a degree in business administration from the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado in Venezuela. For the last decade, she has focused on strengthening female independence and leadership through providing training and training of community leaders to women in her community. She believes that the leadership and participation of women in key positions in public and private institutions is essential for strengthening democracy and creating an inclusive political system that represents all citizens and promotes gender equality.

She has collaborated on programs for the dissemination of information, leadership, conflict resolution, culture of peace, citizen participation, strengthening of citizen and democratic values and training in various trades. She also collaborates on programs that provide tools, knowledge and facilities that strengthen leadership training and contribute to the social change of women's environment. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: Women of Change

The Women of Change project strengthened and promoted the leadership of women from five communities of strata C, D and E in a parish in the Torres municipality, Venezuela. The project team held assemblies, workshops and online forums to connect leaders of different communities.

A total of 69 women between the ages of 18 and 45 in the Lara state of Venezuela participated in six in-person and six virtual workshop sessions that provided tools to strengthen social and female leadership. The women were trained as change agents to promote a culture of peace and conflict resolution and to encourage citizen participation in various areas of society.

"[Women of Change] helped me a lot because I acquired new knowledge, other methods to face each situation, always with respect, cordiality and above all to learn how to resolve conflicts through the justice of peace. " -Project Participant

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Auris participated in the IVLP Project Women as Drivers of Social and Economic Change, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Cultural Vistas, in partnership with World Affairs Council of Seattle, WorldDenver, San Antonio Council for International Visitors, Global New Orleans, and WorldOrlando.

Auris' exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "The IVLP was undoubtedly the best cultural and ideological exchange that I have experienced. The training was encouraging, motivating and inspiring. We united our cultures, exchanged ideas and strengthened our skills to become agents of change."

U.S. Communities Visited Virtually 

Denver, CO; Washington, DC; Orlando, FL; New Orleans, LA; San Antonio, TX; Seattle, WA

Country: Venezuela

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