Aïssatou Adamou is a councilor in the municipality of Tillabéry, Niger. Within the Tillabéry government, she is president of social and cultural affairs and an advocate for women and children's rights. She also leads a women's group of 40 women who she counsels and guides on topics such as financial management, female leadership, entrepreneurial pursuits, and negotiation skills.
The project supported young men and women to develop peacebuilding capacities in times of crisis. Through trainings on conflict management, collaboration between civilians and police, and gender-based violence, the project improved stability in the Tillabéry area by reducing conflict between displaced people within the region and local population. Women were of particular importance to this project, with several meetings with women's groups to raise awareness about the role of women in times of conflict. These focus groups also empowered women when it comes to promoting social cohesion and inclusion.
A meeting with local authorities, police, and the members of the regional council discussed the importance of finding solutions to living with and adjusting to the arrival of displaced people in Tillabéry with special attention to the effects on women and their safety. Five awareness campaigns focused on how to maintain security and reduce tensions between the newly arrived displaced population and the residents and promoted collaboration among different political parties and traditional leaders.
Aïssatou participated in the IVLP Project Women Leaders - Promoting Peace and Security, organized by the U.S. Department of State and World Learning in partnership with WorldDenver and WorldOrlando.
Aïssatou's exchange experience led to the development of her IVLP Impact Award Project: "I hope to bring about a change in the mentality of as many people as possible and to unite them in the fight against instability within the Tillabéry region of Niger."
Denver, CO; Washington, DC; Orlando, FL
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