UP TO $499
Ms. Kate Aitken
Mr. Hamed Alaghebandian
Ms. Michelle Allen
Ms. Lindsay Amini
Ms. Sara Anderson
Ms. Meredith Balenske
Mr. Bogdan Banu
Ms. Alison Bartel
Mr. Owen A. Basil, Jr.
Mr. Andy Batmanghelidj
Ms. Sara Bauleke
Dr. Fred Bellemore and Dr. Myra Best
Commander John C.W. Bennett and Mrs. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bennett, III
Ms. Amanda Berger
Ms. Lisa Blume
Ms. Sarah Brutschy
Mr. Desmond Butler and Ms. Miriam Mahlow
Mr. Scott Caldwell
Mr. Sean Callaghan
Mr. George Chopivsky, III and Ms. Clara Brillembourg
Mr. John Cpin
Ms. Rachel Craddolph
Ms. Lauren Culbertson
Mr. David Cullen
Ms. Giulia Cypriano-Campos
Mr. Harrison Davis
Ms. Amy Donohue
Mrs. Nancy Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dungan
Ms. Caroline Dutton
Ms. Gretchen Ehle
Ms. Bay Fang
Ms. Emma Finkelstein
Ms. Charlotte Follari
Ms. Juliana Fonseca
Ms. Theresa Furman
Ms. Kacie Gauthier
Mr. Sebastian Gibbs
Ms. Kerry Gilbertson
Ms. Karla Gonzalez
Ms. Josefina Martinez Gramuglia
Ms. Betelihem Haile
Ms. Brenda Hali
Mr. Jameson Hall
Mr. Trevor Hanger
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Harvey
Mr. Faisal Hassan
Mr. Glenn Helme
Dr. W. Newlin Hewson
Mrs. Jacqueline Strasser Higgins
Ms. Linnea Hincks
Ms. Olivia Hipkins
Mr. Sven Hodges
Ms. Frances Holuba
Mr. Willliam Hranchak
Mr. Tony Jawhar
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Justice
Dr. Robert L. Kane and Ms. Nan Bell
The Honorable Kenton W. Keith and Mrs. Mireille Luc-Keith
Ms. Caroline Keller-Lynn
Ms. Katharine Kendrick
Ms. Astri Kimball
Mr. John Klopfer
Ms. Dea Kollekowski
Mr. Gary Kraiss
Mr. Vivek Kumar
Mr. Daniel Lee
Mr. John Legittino
Mr. James Lemon
Mr. Alex LePere
Mr. Richard LePere
Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. Lewis
Mr. Steve Lin
Ms. Paloma Martinez Aldama
Mrs. Jaclyn Mason Randall
Mr. Connor McInerney
Ms. Kate Meissner
Ms. Jessica Miller
Mr. Ndumiso Mngadi
Mr. Josue Munoz
Ms. Rebekah Nantz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. O'Gorman, Sr.
Mr. Matthew Patten
Mr. Patrick Pearsall
Ms. Christine Pence
Ms. Urska Petrovcic
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Poole
Mr. Ben Powell
Ms. Kaitlin Przezdziecki
Ms. Aishwarya Raje
Mr. Ashton-Theodore Randle
Ms. Holly Ratcliffe
Mr. Mark Rebstock
Mr. John Rice
Ms. Thea Richard
Ms. Katharine Sanders
Ms. Mary Sauerborn
Mr. Richard Schmittgen
Ms. Ann Imlah Schneider
Ms. Hailee Shah
Ms. Katie Shah
Mr. Torrey Shearer
Mr. Mathew Sher
Ms. Sheryl Shum
Mr. Kley Sippel
Ms. Maegen Smith
Lieutenant Commander Edward S. Smith Jr.
Mr. Nick Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Tarr
Ms. Rebecca Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephen Telkins, Jr.
Ms. Vanessa Trinh
Mr. Puru Trivedi
Mr. Marc Wachtenheim
Mr. Jamie Weinstein
Mr. Sean Weppner
Ms. Rebecca Whitfield
Ms. Sarah Williams
Mr. Ryan Williams
Ms. Rachel Wolbers
* Indicates portion of donation is an in-kind contribution.